Wednesday, March 5, 2008

TIme on my Hands!

So I have had a lot of time on my hands lately to reflect on my life and my kids. Yes I am jobless again. Being laid off twice in 6 mos I have realized I need a new occupation. Being home for a couple of days I have slept a lot and ran after my kids cleaning up their messes. I am afraid that I am getting used to staying home as well as my kids are getting happy with me staying home. It is really going to be hard to go back to work. I have to say I have the cutest kids in the world. I think they need a baby sister.


Me said...

Oohhhh what are you saying there, Hannah?? (oh i just looked in the ward directory you DO spell your name Hanna?? Sorry i get so confused!) I think your boys need a little sister too..... forget getting a new occupation, just work on that!

The Pyne's said...

Hanna, you're doing a super job on your blog! and if you've been home why haven't you stopped by or called?!?

lynsey said...

i agree those boys are cute! sorry to hear about the job but it sounds like you're having some fun at home too. baby sister huh? hmmmmmm.

Kerstin said...

hey look now we're blog friends! jason really liked the spiderman cake...yes he was the black spiderman last halloween...